2.Kaggle比赛 Optiver Realized Volatility Prediction 1 1. 比赛数据解释 举办方 Optiver 提供了一个notebook来介绍数据和股票交易数据Introduction to financial concepts and data 。
BidAskSpread , 反映该股票流通性,
Weighted averaged price , 表示股票估值,
log returns , 计算该股票某个时间段的差值,
Realized volatility ,实际波动率,
In this competition, you will be given 10 minutes of book data and we ask you to predict what the volatility will be in the following 10 minutes.
接下来我会按照 alexioslyon
的lgbm-baseline 来解释下baseline。所有代码,按照其调用顺序解释,这会跟源notebook代码顺序有些差别。
2. book,trade数据特征工程 1. 读取train/test data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 def read_train_test_data (): """读取数据""" train = pd.read_csv(data_dir + 'train.csv' ) test = pd.read_csv(data_dir + 'test.csv' ) train['row_id' ] = train['stock_id' ].astype(str ) + '-' + train['time_id' ].astype(str ) test['row_id' ] = test['stock_id' ].astype(str ) + '-' + test['time_id' ].astype(str ) print (f'Out training set has {train.shape[0 ]} rows' ) return train, test
这里主要就读取train, test,和构建新的row_id
现在我们可以通过 train_stock_id = train['stock_id'].unique()
得到唯一的 stock_id
2. 预处理核心方法 像如下调用中,使用下面 preprocessor(list_stock_ids, is_train=True)
1 2 3 train_stock_id = train['stock_id' ].unique() train_ = preprocessor(train_stock_id, is_train=True ) train = train.merge(train_, on=['row_id' ], how='left' )
现在我们只读到如下 13行book_preprocessor(file_path_book), trade_preprocessor(file_path_trade)
这部分代码。现在要看 book_preprocessor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 def preprocessor (list_stock_ids, is_train=True ): def for_joblib (stock_id ): if is_train: file_path_book = data_dir + r'book_train.parquet/stock_id=' + str (stock_id) file_path_trade = data_dir + r'trade_train.parquet/stock_id=' + str (stock_id) else : file_path_book = data_dir + r'book_test.parquet/stock_id=' + str (stock_id) file_path_trade = data_dir + r'trade_test.parquet/stock_id=' + str (stock_id) df_tmp = pd.merge(book_preprocessor(file_path_book), trade_preprocessor(file_path_trade), on='row_id' , how='left' ) return df_tmp df = Parallel(n_jobs=-1 , verbose=1 )(delayed(for_joblib)(stock_id) for stock_id in list_stock_ids) df = pd.concat(df, ignore_index=True ) return df
3. book_preprocessor逐行分析 在 book_preprocessor
中读取得到df如下。1 2 df1 = pd.read_parquet('/data/book_train.parquet/stock_id=0' ) df1.head()
对应着类似第6行中 file_path_book
如上图,我们看到 book_train.parquet/stock_id=0
得到的df有 'time_id'
, 'ask_price1'
等等特征列。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 def book_preprocessor (file_path ): """book数据预处理: 处理得到各个特征 """ df = pd.read_parquet(file_path) df['wap1' ] = calc_wap1(df) df['wap2' ] = calc_wap2(df) df['wap3' ] = calc_wap3(df) df['wap4' ] = calc_wap4(df) df['log_return1' ] = df.groupby(['time_id' ])['wap1' ].apply(log_return) df['log_return2' ] = df.groupby(['time_id' ])['wap2' ].apply(log_return) df['log_return3' ] = df.groupby(['time_id' ])['wap3' ].apply(log_return) df['log_return4' ] = df.groupby(['time_id' ])['wap4' ].apply(log_return) df['wap_balance' ] = abs (df['wap1' ] - df['wap2' ]) df['price_spread' ] = (df['ask_price1' ] - df['bid_price1' ]) / ((df['ask_price1' ] + df['bid_price1' ]) / 2 ) df['price_spread2' ] = (df['ask_price2' ] - df['bid_price2' ]) / ((df['ask_price2' ] + df['bid_price2' ]) / 2 ) df['bid_spread' ] = df['bid_price1' ] - df['bid_price2' ] df['ask_spread' ] = df['ask_price1' ] - df['ask_price2' ] df['bid_ask_spread' ] = abs (df['bid_spread' ] - df['ask_spread' ]) df['total_volume' ] = (df['ask_size1' ] + df['ask_size2' ]) + (df['bid_size1' ] + df['bid_size2' ]) df['volume_imbalance' ] = abs ((df['ask_size1' ] + df['ask_size2' ]) - (df['bid_size1' ] + df['bid_size2' ])) create_feature_dict = { 'wap1' :[np.sum , np.std], 'wap2' :[np.sum , np.std], 'wap3' :[np.sum , np.std], 'wap4' :[np.sum , np.std], 'log_return1' : [realized_volatility], 'log_return2' : [realized_volatility], 'log_return3' : [realized_volatility], 'log_return4' : [realized_volatility], 'wap_balance' : [np.sum , np.max ], 'price_spread' : [np.sum , np.max ], 'price_spread2' : [np.sum , np.max ], 'bid_spread' : [np.sum , np.max ], 'ask_spread' : [np.sum , np.max ], 'total_volume' : [np.sum , np.max ], 'volume_imbalance' : [np.sum , np.max ], 'bid_ask_spread' : [np.sum , np.max ], } create_feature_dict_time ={ 'log_return1' : [realized_volatility], 'log_return2' : [realized_volatility], 'log_return3' : [realized_volatility], 'log_return4' : [realized_volatility], } def get_stats_window (fe_dict, seconds_in_bucket, add_suffix=False ): """按时间段以及time_id聚合特征,bucket:时间段""" df_feature = df[df['seconds_in_bucket' ] >= seconds_in_bucket]\ .groupby(['time_id' ]).agg(fe_dict).reset_index() df_feature.columns =['_' .join(col) for col in df_feature.columns] if add_suffix: df_feature = df_feature.add_suffix('_' + str (seconds_in_bucket)) return df_feature df_feature = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict, seconds_in_bucket=0 , add_suffix=False ) df_feature_500 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict, seconds_in_bucket=500 , add_suffix=True ) df_feature_400 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict, seconds_in_bucket=400 , add_suffix=True ) df_feature_300 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict, seconds_in_bucket=300 , add_suffix=True ) df_feature_200 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict, seconds_in_bucket=200 , add_suffix=True ) df_feature_100 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict, seconds_in_bucket=100 , add_suffix=True ) df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_500, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id__500' ) df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_400, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id__400' ) df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_300, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id__300' ) df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_200, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id__200' ) df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_100, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id__100' ) df_feature.drop(['time_id__500' , 'time_id__400' , 'time_id__300' , 'time_id__200' , 'time_id__100' ], axis=1 , inplace=True ) stock_id = file_path.split('=' )[1 ] df_feature['row_id' ] = df_feature['time_id_' ].apply(lambda x: f'{stock_id} -{x} ' ) df_feature.drop(['time_id_' ], axis=1 , inplace=True ) return df_feature
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 def calc_wap1 (df ): """Weighted averaged price权重平均买卖价1""" wap1 = (df['bid_price1' ] * df['ask_size1' ] + df['ask_price1' ] * df['bid_size1' ]) \ / (df['bid_size1' ] + df['ask_size1' ]) return wap1 def calc_wap2 (df ): """权重平均买卖价2""" wap2 = (df['bid_price2' ] * df['ask_size2' ] + df['ask_price2' ] * df['bid_size2' ]) \ / (df['bid_size2' ] + df['ask_size2' ]) return wap2 def calc_wap3 (df ): """权重平均买卖价2""" wap3 = (df['bid_price1' ] * df['bid_size1' ] + df['ask_price1' ] * df['ask_size1' ]) \ / (df['bid_size1' ] + df['ask_size1' ]) return wap3 def calc_wap4 (df ): """权重平均买卖价2""" wap4 = (df['bid_price2' ] * df['bid_size2' ] + df['ask_price2' ] * df['ask_size2' ]) \ / (df['bid_size2' ] + df['ask_size2' ]) return wap4 def log_return (series ): """将输入变为log后对于某一axis寻找差值 log(x/y) = log(x) - log(y)""" return np.log(series).diff() def realized_volatility (series ): """计算实际波动率""" return np.sqrt(np.sum (series**2 )) def count_unique (series ): """计算series中unique数目""" return len (np.unique(series))
实际上如上面df1计算 calc_wap1(df1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1.001434 1 1.001448 2 1.001448 ... 917552 0.998517 Length: 917553 , dtype: float32
这类特征也是4个,计算利用的公式3.对上一步得到的特征按 'time_id'
分组后应用下面的 log_return
计算 'wap1'
1 2 3 def log_return (series ): """将输入变为log后对于某一axis寻找差值 log(x/y) = log(x) - log(y)""" return np.log(series).diff()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 df1.groupby(['time_id' ])['wap1' ].apply(log_return) ==================================================== 0 NaN1 0.000014 2 0.000000 3 -0.000005 ... 917551 0.000001 917552 0.000000 Name: wap1, Length: 917553 , dtype: float32
1 2 3 def realized_volatility (series ): """计算实际波动率""" return np.sqrt(np.sum (series**2 ))
剩下的如 'wap_balance'
接下来构建统计信息的特征字典, np.sum, np.std
. 注意与后面一个以时间构建实际波动率的字典create_feature_dict_time
然后是get_stats_window(*fe_dict*, *seconds_in_bucket*, *add_suffix*=False)
方法会将4中处理得到的特征字典作为 fe_dict
,按照 'seconds_in_bucket'
区间大于0, 500…时间段内合计对应 fe_dict
信息后 reset_index()
。 实际上像 df['seconds_in_bucket'] >= seconds_in_bucket]
如果 seconds_in_bucket=0
部分来按照 create_feature_dict
1 2 3 4 5 df1_feature.columns = ['_' .join(col) for col in df1_feature.columns] df1_feature.columns ==================================================== ['wap1_sum' , 'wap1_std' , 'wap2_sum' , 'wap2_std' , 'wap3_sum' , 'wap3_std' , 'wap4_sum' , 'wap4_std' , 'log_return1_realized_volatility' ,]
再加上需要后缀就是 get_stats_window
如果是 df1['seconds_in_bucket']>500
那么使用 create_feature_dict_time
1 2 df1_feature = df1[df1['seconds_in_bucket' ]>500 ].groupby(['time_id' ]).agg(create_feature_dict_time).head() df1_feature
1 2 df1_feature_500 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time, 500 , True ) df1_feature_500.head()
接下来就是简单的合并特征丢掉不需要的特征和构建新 'row_id'
1 2 df1_feature = df1_feature.merge(df1_feature_500, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id__500' ) df1_feature.head()
有的行拼接 df1_feature_500
, 左边以 'time_id_'
为index, 右边以 'time_id__500'
1 2 df1_feature.drop(['time_id__500' , 'time_id__400' , 'time_id__300' , 'time_id__200' , 'time_id__100' ], axis=1 , inplace=True ) df1_feature.head()
, 就很简单了,如 stock_id = str("/content/work/data/book_train.parquet/stock_id=0").split('=')[1]
应该是这个样子的 0-5, 0-11
1 2 df1_feature['row_id' ] = df1_feature['time_id_' ].apply(lambda x: f'{stock_id} -{x} ' ) df1_feature.head()
4. trade_preprocessor逐行 第一句同样是 df = pd.read_parquet(file_path)
1 2 df2 = pd.read_parquet('/content/work/data/trade_train.parquet/stock_id=0' ) df2.head()
下面是整个 trade_preprocessor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 def trade_preprocessor (file_path ): df = pd.read_parquet(file_path) df['log_return' ] = df.groupby('time_id' )['price' ].apply(log_return) df['amount' ] = df['price' ] * df['size' ] create_feature_dict = { 'log_return' : [realized_volatility], 'seconds_in_bucket' : [count_unique], 'size' : [np.sum , np.max , np.min ], 'order_count' : [np.sum , np.max ], 'amount' : [np.max , np.max , np.min ], } create_feature_dict_time = { 'log_return' : [realized_volatility], 'seconds_in_bucket' : [count_unique], 'size' : [np.sum ], 'order_count' : [np.sum ], } def get_stats_window (fe_dict, seconds_in_bucket, add_suffix=False ): """按时间段以及time_id聚合特征,bucket:时间段""" df_feature = df[df['seconds_in_bucket' ] >= seconds_in_bucket] \ .groupby(['time_id' ]).agg(fe_dict).reset_index() df_feature.columns = ['_' .join(col) for col in df_feature.columns] if add_suffix: df_feature = df_feature.add_suffix('_' + str (seconds_in_bucket)) return df_feature df_feature = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict, seconds_in_bucket=0 , add_suffix=False ) df_feature_500 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time, seconds_in_bucket=500 , add_suffix=True ) df_feature_400 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time, seconds_in_bucket=400 , add_suffix=True ) df_feature_300 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time, seconds_in_bucket=300 , add_suffix=True ) df_feature_200 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time, seconds_in_bucket=200 , add_suffix=True ) df_feature_100 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time, seconds_in_bucket=100 , add_suffix=True ) def tendency (price, vol ): """趋势计算""" df_diff = np.diff(price) val = (df_diff / price[1 :]) * 100 power = np.sum (val * vol[1 :]) return (power) lis = [] for n_time_id in df['time_id' ].unique(): df_id = df[df['time_id' ]==n_time_id] tendencyV = tendency(df_id['price' ].values, df_id['size' ].values) f_max = np.sum (df_id['price' ].values > np.mean(df_id['price' ].values)) f_min = np.sum (df_id['price' ].values < np.mean(df_id['price' ].values)) df_max = np.sum (np.diff(df_id['price' ].values) > 0 ) df_min = np.sum (np.diff(df_id['price' ].values) < 0 ) abs_diff = np.median(np.abs (df_id['price' ].values - np.mean(df_id['price' ].values))) energy = np.mean(df_id['price' ].values**2 ) iqr_p = np.percentile(df_id['price' ].values, 75 ) - np.percentile(df_id['price' ].values, 25 ) abs_diff_v = np.median(np.abs (df_id['size' ].values - np.mean(df_id['size' ].values))) energy_v = np.sum (df_id['size' ].values ** 2 ) iqr_p_v = np.percentile(df_id['size' ].values, 75 ) - np.percentile(df_id['size' ].values, 25 ) lis.append({'time_id' : n_time_id, 'tendency' : tendencyV, 'f_max' : f_max,\ 'f_min' : f_min, 'df_max' : df_max, 'df_min' : df_min,\ 'abs_diff' : abs_diff, 'energy' : energy, 'iqr_p' : iqr_p,\ 'abs_diff_v' : abs_diff_v, 'energy_v' : energy_v, 'iqr_p_v' : iqr_p_v}) df_lr = pd.DataFrame(lis) df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_lr, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id' ) df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_500, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id__500' ) df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_400, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id__400' ) df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_300, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id__300' ) df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_200, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id__200' ) df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_100, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id__100' ) df_feature.drop(['time_id__500' , 'time_id__400' , 'time_id__300' , 'time_id__200' ,\ 'time_id' , 'time_id__100' ], axis=1 , inplace=True ) df_feature = df_feature.add_prefix('trade_' ) stock_id = file_path.split('=' )[1 ] df_feature['row_id' ] = df_feature['trade_time_id_' ].apply(lambda x: f'{stock_id} -{x} ' ) df_feature.drop(['trade_time_id_' ], axis=1 , inplace=True ) return df_feature
先开始构建两个新特征: 'log_return'
, create_feature_dict_time
.其中第二个字典中 count_unique
1 2 3 def count_unique (series ): """计算series中unique数目""" return len (np.unique(series))
1 2 df2_feature = df2[df2['seconds_in_bucket' ] >= 0 ].groupby(['time_id' ]).agg(create_feature_dict).reset_index() df2_feature.head()
1 2 3 df2_feature.columns = ['_' .join(col) for col in df2_feature.columns] df2_feature.head()
1 2 df2_feature_500 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time, 500 , True ) df2_feature_500.head()
用价格和数量计算 tendency(price, vol)
1 2 3 4 5 def tendency (price, vol ): df_diff = np.diff(price) val = (df_diff/price[1 :])*100 power = np.sum (val*vol[1 :]) return (power)
按时间id计算trade特征,如 tendencyV
等,作为字典都添加到lis列表中。然后得到 df_lr = pd.DataFrame(lis)
这个新的df。 具体来说,如 df_id
1 2 3 4 5 6 [i for i in df2['time_id' ].unique()][:5 ] =========================================== [5 , 11 , 16 , 31 , 62 ] df2_id = df2[df2['time_id' ] == 5 ] df2_id.head()
tendencyV = tendency(df_id['price'].values, df_id['size'].values)
这个特征构建中,就是取price, size
方法计算与前一个 seconds_in_bucket
列表,转换成新特征 df_lr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 def lis_df_lr (df ): lis = [] for n_time_id in df['time_id' ].unique(): ... df_lr = pd.DataFrame(lis) return df_lr df2_lr = lis_df_lr(df2) df2_lr.head()
合并再合并所有窗口特征信息 df_feature_500
…。 后面就非常类似book数据处理了,只贴个处理后的部分特征信息:
1 2 df2_feature = df2_feature.merge(df2_lr, how='left' , left_on='time_id_' , right_on='time_id' ) df2_feature.head()
最后就是特征添加前缀 'trade_'
, 构建新的 'row_id'
1 2 3 4 df2_feature = df2_feature.add_prefix('trade_' ) df2_feature['row_id' ] = df2_feature['trade_time_id_' ].apply(lambda x:f'{str (0 )} -{x} ' ) df2_feature.drop(['trade_time_id_' ], axis = 1 , inplace = True ) df2_feature.head()
5.get_time_stock 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 def get_time_stock (df ): """ df中实际波动率realized_volatility相关列分别按 stock_id/time_id分组后聚合求统计指标 然后跟原df合并 """ vol_cols = ['log_return1_realized_volatility' , 'log_return2_realized_volatility' ,\ 'log_return1_realized_volatility_400' , 'log_return2_realized_volatility_400' ,\ 'log_return1_realized_volatility_300' , 'log_return2_realized_volatility_300' ,\ 'log_return1_realized_volatility_200' , 'log_return2_realized_volatility_200' ,\ 'trade_log_return_realized_volatility' , 'trade_log_return_realized_volatility_400' ,\ 'trade_log_return_realized_volatility_300' , 'trade_log_return_realized_volatility_200' , ] df_stock_id = df.groupby(['stock_id' ])[vol_cols].agg(['mean' , 'std' , 'max' , 'min' , ]).reset_index() df_stock_id.columns = ['_' .join(col) for col in df_stock_id.columns] df_stock_id = df_stock_id.add_suffix('_' + 'stock' ) df_time_id = df.groupby(['time_id' ])[vol_cols].agg(['mean' , 'std' , 'max' , 'min' , ]).reset_index() df_time_id.columns = ['_' .join(col) for col in df_time_id.columns] df_time_id = df_time_id.add_suffix('_' + 'time' ) df = df.merge(df_stock_id, how='left' , left_on=['stock_id' ], right_on=['stock_id__stock' ]) df = df.merge(df_time_id, how='left' , left_on=['time_id' ], right_on=['time_id__time' ]) df.drop(['stock_id__stock' , 'time_id__time' ], axis=1 , inplace=True ) return df
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 train, test = read_train_test_data() train_stock_id = train['stock_id' ].unique() train_ = preprocessor(train_stock_id, is_train=True ) train = train.merge(train_, on=['row_id' ], how='left' ) test_stock_id = test['stock_id' ].unique() test_ = preprocessor(train_stock_id, is_train=True ) test = test.merge(test_, on=['row_id' ], how='left' ) train = get_time_stock(train) test = get_time_stock(test)
这里是得到train, test csv数据后,按 'stock_id'
处理得到 train_
列表中的特征列(这些特征都是df中表示 realized_volatility
1 2 df_stock_id = train.groupby(['stock_id' ])[vol_cols].agg(['mean' , 'std' , 'max' , 'min' ]).reset_index() df_stock_id.head()
1 2 3 df_stock_id.columns = ['_' .join(col) for col in df_stock_id.columns] df_stock_id = df_stock_id.add_suffix('_' + 'stock' ) df_stock_id.head()
处理得到 df_time_id
接下来是利用 'trade_seconds_in_bucket_count_unique'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 train['size_tau' ] = np.sqrt(1 /train['trade_seconds_in_bucket_count_unique' ]) test['size_tau' ] = np.sqrt(1 /test['trade_seconds_in_bucket_count_unique' ]) train['size_tau_400' ] = np.sqrt(1 /train['trade_seconds_in_bucket_count_unique_400' ]) test['size_tau_400' ] = np.sqrt(1 /test['trade_seconds_in_bucket_count_unique_400' ]) train['size_tau_300' ] = np.sqrt(1 /train['trade_seconds_in_bucket_count_unique_300' ]) test['size_tau_300' ] = np.sqrt(1 /test['trade_seconds_in_bucket_count_unique_300' ]) train['size_tau_200' ] = np.sqrt(1 /train['trade_seconds_in_bucket_count_unique_200' ]) test['size_tau_200' ] = np.sqrt(1 /test['trade_seconds_in_bucket_count_unique_200' ])
同样利用 'trade_order_count_sum'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 train['size_tau2' ] = np.sqrt(1 /train['trade_order_count_sum' ]) test['size_tau2' ] = np.sqrt(1 /test['trade_order_count_sum' ]) train['size_tau2_400' ] = np.sqrt(0.33 /train['trade_order_count_sum' ]) test['size_tau2_400' ] = np.sqrt(0.33 /test['trade_order_count_sum' ]) train['size_tau2_300' ] = np.sqrt(0.5 /train['trade_order_count_sum' ]) test['size_tau2_300' ] = np.sqrt(0.5 /test['trade_order_count_sum' ]) train['size_tau2_200' ] = np.sqrt(0.66 /train['trade_order_count_sum' ]) test['size_tau2_200' ] = np.sqrt(0.66 /test['trade_order_count_sum' ]) train['size_tau2_d' ] = train['size_tau2_400' ] - train['size_tau2' ] test['size_tau2_d' ] = test['size_tau2_400' ] - test['size_tau2' ]
1 2 3 colNames = [col for col in list (train.columns) if col not in {"stock_id" , "time_id" , "target" , "row_id" }] len (colNames)
3.Kmeans聚类构建特征 在第一篇中,我们得到了特征工程后的train, test df
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 from sklearn.cluster import KMeanstrain_p = pd.read_csv(data_dir + 'train.csv' ) train_p = train_p.pivot(index='time_id' , columns='stock_id' , values='target' ) corr = train_p.corr() ids = corr.index kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=7 , random_state=SEED).fit(corr.values) print (kmeans.labels_)========================================================================== [0 5 3 2 0 0 2 3 1 2 0 5 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 5 0 0 6 0 0 3 6 3 0 3 3 0 6 6 3 6 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 5 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 2 5 2 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 5 6 2 5 6 5 1 4 6 5 5 0 2 5 6 6 5 3 0 0 5 2 6 6 0 5 0 3 3 3 3 0 0 6 0 5 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 5 3 5 3 5 ] l = [] for n in range (7 ): l.append([(x-1 ) for x in ((ids+1 ) * (kmeans.labels_==n)) if x > 0 ])
的透视表重构特征后的相关系数值进行聚类,然后用((ids+1) * (kmeans.labels_==n))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 mat = [] matTest = [] n = 0 for ind in l: print (ind) newDf = train.loc[train['stock_id' ].isin(ind)] newDf = newDf.groupby(['time_id' ]).agg(np.nanmean) newDf.loc[:, 'stock_id' ] = str (n) + 'c1' mat.append(newDf) newDf = test.loc[test['stock_id' ].isin(ind)] newDf = newDf.groupby(['time_id' ]).agg(np.nanmean) newDf.loc[:, 'stock_id' ] = str (n) + 'c1' matTest.append(newDf) n += 1 ======================================================================================= [0 , 4 , 5 , 10 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 23 , 26 , 28 , 29 , 33 , 36 , 42 , 44 , 48 , 66 , 69 , 72 , 85 , 94 , 95 , 100 , 102 , 108 , 109 , 111 , 113 , 115 , 118 , 120 ] [8 , 80 ] [3 , 6 , 9 , 18 , 61 , 63 , 75 , 86 , 97 ] [2 , 7 , 13 , 14 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 30 , 32 , 34 , 35 , 39 , 41 , 43 , 46 , 47 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 64 , 67 , 68 , 70 , 93 , 103 , 104 , 105 , 107 , 114 , 119 , 123 , 125 ] [81 ] [1 , 11 , 22 , 50 , 55 , 56 , 62 , 73 , 76 , 78 , 83 , 84 , 87 , 90 , 96 , 101 , 112 , 116 , 122 , 124 , 126 ] [27 , 31 , 37 , 38 , 40 , 58 , 59 , 60 , 74 , 77 , 82 , 88 , 89 , 98 , 99 , 110 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mat1 = pd.concat(mat).reset_index() mat1.drop(columns=['target' ], inplace=True ) mat2 = pd.concat(matTest).reset_index() mat2 = pd.concat([mat2, mat1.loc[mat1.time_id==5 ]]) mat1 = mat1.pivot(index='time_id' , columns='stock_id' ) mat1.columns = ['_' .join(x) for x in mat1.columns.ravel()] mat1.reset_index(inplace=True ) mat2 = mat2.pivot(index='time_id' , columns='stock_id' ) mat2.columns = ['_' .join(x) for x in mat2.columns.ravel()] mat2.reset_index(inplace=True )
上面代码如mat1 = mat1.pivot(index='time_id', columns='stock_id')
拼接下列名 mat1.columns = ['_'.join(x) for x in mat1.columns.ravel()]
1 2 train = pd.merge(train, mat1[nnn], how='left' , on='time_id' ) test = pd.merge(test, mat2[nnn], how='left' , on='time_id' )
Inference [1] optiver-realized-volatility-prediction
[2] 股市交易的撮合机制究竟是怎么运行的?
[3] Optiver Realized Volatility Prediction